Introduction to Flat/ Concave Earth/ Theory/ Society...
Words of Wisdom from Flat Earth...
Who are we?
There are many things we may wonder about from time to time, and thus there are other things like, natural wonders, science, life, reality, etc... that we may never think about at all, and on never even give them a second thought!
'I believe that the awakening has begun, and that many like me are finally aware that reality may not be as it is? And that it may otherwise be manipulated to the desires of others, who in fact blind us all within illusions of grandeur! With many, many digital effects and scientific lies beyond wonder?'
You may then ask yourself if all or anything is reall about this reality, and are we oblige to find out what is reality, or just happy to go on living the life of lies? Passing it on to our children and all who would listen to the tales, and on take it all for granted that it is all factual? You be the judge?
Although I tremendously enjoy writhing! I am also and well devoted to this planet that we call earth, and the care of such in any way possible whatsoever! And so forth devote much of my time in the fighting quest to freedom and liberty for all! That of which is birth-born and not subject to impeachment, (empêcher (to prevent), oppression or any other form of suppression or submission to any form of tyranny! At the most sharing with all the difficulties and miseries that surrounds us each and every day, and that in fact this is the evil (Zionist, war-pig machine) that we must eradicate at once?
I am a Freeman! This, I will shout until the end of time, or last breath!
'There are two types of humans on this planet... those that control all at the moment, and (Service to Self) kind of humans, if you can call them that, human that is? The kind of "humans" that are narcissistic, sadistic, masochistic, self-centred, immoral, sexually depraved, apathetic, and everything else evil under the bright blue sky!'
'Rather to the (Service to Others) kind of humans, that are kindhearted, giving, loving, selfless, honest, pure, morally adequate, devoted to the cause of freedom and liberty, and everything else pure and good under the bright blue sky!'
Everything is based on the Zionist way of life, and that includes greed; religions, corruption, chaos, death, depravaty, incest, theft, pedophilia, and on and on, etc...? The Zionist, war-pigs-like machine has been opperating for milliniums, and now on the verge of full discloser with the approach of NWO, comming up on the near horizon.
They, themselves have put in place systems that were design to rob, enslave, starve, rape, molest, kill, and all other evil that could be done to the people not so fortunate to be able to defend themselves, or dumb-down through various means, and forevermore enslaves to society, and the governments thereof. Here are just a few systems in place that you will very well reconize with eyes wide open!
This is some of the means of enslavement for all!
The first to speak of is (Jewry, banks, taxation, mortgage, car loans, monthly utilitie, etc...). All from wealth and money that does not exist, (Banks). Numbers punched-up on a computer and then printed, with no value whatsoever? The only value money obtains, is from hard labor, that of which we must do to pay back the worthless money loaned to us to begin with? There's even a tax that no-one seems to be aware of, and that's the Jewish tax on all foods deemed Kosher. Here below this taxation is defined within the links.
Zion talk...
'Our race (the Jews) is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.'
So Said; Menachem Begin (1913-1992), Prime Minister of Israel (1977-1983).
Religions, (the first and major, Jesuits, christianity, Jew god, Jesus, the bible, and the Jewish belief that they are supeireur to all on this planet, and on thus create the race wars perpatraed on all though war propaganda, the media and other forms of propaganda as well.
Lets not forget that they themslves are not really Jews at all, but stole their identity from the dark-skinned Jews of the bible, (Africans) 800 years after the bible itself was written. They are in fact Khazar (Turkic) people from eastern Russia, who in fact stole their indentity, their land, (the State Of Isrtael), all their wealth through Jewry, taxation, enslavement of the population as well, and on and on, etc...
Everything they ever gained was stolen from someone else, either through cheap labor, or taxation, murder, etc... just to name a few.
Tengriism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Paganism, Religious syncretism, all Khazar people you know where all religions comes from?
Tengeiism; occasionally referred to as Tengrianism, a modern term for a Central Asian religion characterized by features of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism and ancestor worship. Historically, it was the prevailing religion of the Turks, Mongols and Hungarians, as well as the Xiongnu and the Huns.
Judaism; is the religion, philosophy and way of life of the Jewish people (small hats). Judaism is a monotheistic religion, with the Torah as its foundational text, and supplemental oral tradition represented by later texts such as the Mishnah and the Talmud.
Christianity; is a monotheistic religion based on the life and oral teachings of Jesus as presented in the New Testament, the Bible. Christianity is an Abrahamic religion as well, that began as a Jewish sect in the mid-1st century.
Islam; is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God.
Paganism; is a broad group of indigenous and historically polytheistic religious traditions. Primarily those of cultures known to the classic world. In a wider sense. Paganism has also been understood to include any non-Abrahamic folks, or ethnic religions. Avoiding the word (Pagan), in favor of less ambiguous labels such as polytheistic, shamanistic, pantheistic, and animistic.
Religious syncretism; is the combining of different, often seemingly contradictory beliefs, while melding practices of various schools of thought. Syncretism also occurs commonly in expressions of arts and culture (known as eclecticism) as well as politics (syncretic politics). It refers to politics outside of the conventional left-right political spectrum. Occult in nature.
'You may as well look opon the so-called Queen of England for answers to all you miseries? As she herself the Queen of all the zionist Jews, behing a Jew herself, insestuous in nature! Sick and perverted in the head!'
If I may go on and touch upon another subject?
(Ten facts to wonder about? You be the judge?)
(1) " Earth isn't round but flat/concave, and there is an enormous dome (Firmament) up above that seals us all here on this planet. We are not allowed beyond this point, the seal, the (heavens)? The north pole is in the center of all, and enormous as well! The land regions surrounding the northern point go out untill reaching the southern atmosphere, the equator, and then Antartica that surrounds the entire earth, with hundreds of feet high upon mountains of ice and snow, reaching right up to the base of the ice or glass dome up above, for which is the seal? (The Firmament, the heavens)"
(2) " The sun and moon are not enormous and far away as some want us to believe? They are much smaller and revolve right under the dome, (firmament) going round and round circiling flat/concave earth, one slower than the other, explaining the cycle of eclipes of the moon and sun, and on moving in and out from the north pole to the south and back again, thus explaining the seasons, and night and day cycles?
(3) * No one know what energy the sun emits, or where it gets it power sorce from? Only that they believe that it is a tranformer, aquiring its energy from another plane, otherwise (dimenssion)? And the only thing they realy know is that it emits X-ray solar-flares, and that's all they know, or willing to divulge?"
(4) " Once ouside the earth's dome, or atmosphere (firmament), there is no light visible within the dark-matter, dark-energy, only darkness? If you were to go into outer-space beyond the dome and look back at earth? You would see nothing but shadows of the earth, sun, and the moon? It is only when in the atmosphere of the planet earth does light reflect upon its surface, and mass, not beyond the dome (firmament, the heavens, commonly known)?"
(5) " The universe, planets, (not what you think they are) space-station, galaxies, moon-landings evrywhere, mars-landing, satilites, all hoax perpetrated on all, for gain and wealth mind you? All having to do with NASA, the GLOBAL fakes! Just like all Hubble telescope pictures, which are all digital or otherwise in nature? The planets are all presented so neat and perfectly round, spinning about the so-called outer-space? Some with rings, some without, but all so colorful to the eyes, and neatly formed? None of them showing signs of wears after the so-called big-bang and all? Go figure that space was so neat and wonderful? Full of wonderful colors and all?"
(6) " NASA, forever stuck in cartoon-land? See the other pretenders as well!"
(7) " Light is instant! There are no light-years, light-speed, a vast, dark universe, stars, etc...the stars but hologram projectors, projecting space as if a blackboard in a classroom full of children, meant as a learning tool, saying "Here figure this out?" And once you do, you will have all the answers forthcoming, all will fall into place as if in awe of it all?"
(8) " If you ever look-out on a cloudy day, far on the horizon looking at the sun? You may, as I did, find it surrounded by clouds, some right in front of the sun, and some right behind the sun, all arround? How could this be if the sun is supposedly 93 million miles away from earth in outer-space? How can there be clouds immediately in front and behind the sun? This is impossible? And this I have seen with my own eyes on many occasions!"
(9) " Earth is flat/concave, the horizon says so? Many have done the ship-on-the-horizon test, and have found that the ship alway remained on the flat horizon, this after pearing through a strong telescope, never loosing sight of the ship itself, as far as the scope can see the earth is flat?
(10) * All aviation flight everwhere on earth never circle around a planet, but mostly have straight and forward trajectory made to appear as if traveling around a planet of sorts, with many stops along the way fooling most, but not all? And never once do they actually fly around a Global planet?
Well. I hope that you like these facts, and on will open your mind to new wonders beyond imagination and reality! Let your mind wonder to other possibilities, and on get a second opinion to what reality is about? Let no other dictate your life to you! Stand tall and fight for all liberties and rights obtained at birth! Those of which cannot be denied, oppressed, impeached, or eradicated in any shape or form, verbally or otherwise! They are yours birth-born, and primal!
Let me know your feelings on this and other subjects regarding these issues? And on be the better for it! Don't for get to leave a comment in the comment box...
The awakening has begun! Be part of it!
Words of Wisdom...maxamilium tm.
Flat/Concave-Earth Rocks, and soon to be reality!
For more info on flat earth, and much more...follow links and wonder beyond...I have a few sites to see on all issues concerning the miseries of the planet, so this link below (or Google my Pseudonym Maxamilium, Social animal, Social Media) and this will lead you to all of my on from (Words of Wisdom), Author Michel Paul Emile Lebel, AKA, Maxamilium Social Animal, (Social Media), dealing with the hard questions to answer, and going at the root of the problem on this planet we call earth. I have blogs/vlogs/post/videos/ in English/French and Spanish and not holding back any punches, and on the attack of the so-called (Zionist War-Pigs) running the planet, and destroying all on the way to tyranny...see also flat/Concave/Circular/Earth facts...the sun not millions of miles away in outer-space.. Hunger and famine, war.....there is a Dome (firmament) covering earth, it is light-blue in colour, and we are sealed here....etc... come and see what the fuss is about
Michel Paul Émile Lebel, Author, Maxamilium tm.
For educational purpose, and bound by the rights and laws (fair use) that apply. All Rights © Reserved maxamilium tm.