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We're always looking for people that are awake to join our crew and cause.

If you can help, please donate to the cause.

Click anyone of the links  in the Social Media Page, and go and wonder beyond reality!


A Wide array of Pictures depicting the (Zionist) global universe...just like the ones you find at NASA, forever stuck in Cartoon-Land, lost forever! Is this real, or fake, an decide? Pictures from amateurs photographers and from the Hubble Telescope or other places as well. The best available for display to the masses need be in wonder of it all? The sun covered by clouds? NASA's depiction of fake universe (Hubble Telescope) ... NASA's depiction of fake universe...NASA's depiction of fake planets...Depiction of Flat/Concave/Earth...Flat/Concave/Circular/Earth/Dome, Trajectory of sun and seasons...Hebrew cosmology of flat/earth...and lastly, links to all my web-sites, English, French, Spanish, you can pick and chose the ones you prefer to seek and find!

It's in the way the sun travels about the Flat/Concave/Circular/Earth that determines what weather we're having, and on the seasons forth coming! Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.


Fake, reality or an illusion meant to fool us all... you decide?






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Keeping up with (Flat/Concave/Circular/Earth/Society).

Current on all issues, and much, much more...chasing time and reality.

We dream, explore, create and craft in the most progressive way ...
a reality experiences none compared!
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