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 Maxamilium Social Animal Social Media. Flat/concave/circular/earth/society.


                         depicting the fake universe and the sun right here under the Dome, (Firmament, the Heavens so commonly known as) and not miles and miles in Outer-Space, nonsense...look for yourselves and see the deception everywhere around you...look clearly, and then you may see all, and never be fooled once again by any Tyranny enslaving you and your mind!

The Awakening Has begun! Will you join us in this the last quest of them all...Armageddon!


It is time to wipe the sleep from your eyes and see reality for what it is, an illusion meant to fool us all, me and you equally...Once your eyes wide open, you may never be fooled again, and on fight tyranny once you know all of their tricks, and use the same against them?





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