Toronto Riots...G20 Gathering... Montreal Riots also...Black Bloc exposed...
Toronto Riots...G20 Gathering. and The Police State...Montreal riot also...Black Bloc exposed, working for the governments...
Uploaded on 27 Jan 2011...G20 Re-Exposed
'G-20 RE-EXPOSED' presented by Toronto Truth Seekers & SiLSa! Productions as a complimentary documentary to the original 'Toronto G20 Exposed' (the first feature documentary about the G20 Toronto summit protests in 2010) and features original 2010 footage of street actions, protests, and interviews by, Audio clips from Word of Mouth Wednesday on CKLN community radio, G20 related videos, and News coverage from CBC, CP24, CTV, MTV, Global News, CityTV, CPAC, The Real News, Press for Truth, & more... TRUTH INQUIRY NOW!
Uploaded on 9 Jul 2010...G20 Protests in Toronto Turn Ugly
Photos and more info: "June 26th 2010, Toronto. I get up close and sometimes in-between the riot police and the anti-G20 protesters. The Police ramp things up and begin clearing the streets.
Uploaded on 13 Dec 2010
Under Occupation: Toronto G20 Operation is an educational documentary that shows, in chronological order, the events that transpired over the G20 weekend in Toronto, Canada. While the mainstream media repeatedly broadcast images of burning police cars and broken windows, the cameras on the ground captured a far more terrifying story. Eyewitness video footage and first hand accounts featured in this film tell a horrific tale of police brutality, mass arrests, secret laws and outrageous violations of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Words of Wisdom...maxamilium tm.
Flat/Concave Earth Rocks, and soon to be reality!
For more info on flat earth, and much more...follow links and wonder beyond...I have a few sites to see on all issues concerning the miseries of the planet, so this link below (or Google my Pseudonym Maxamilium, Social animal, Social Media) and this will lead you to all of my on from (Words of Wisdom), Author Michel Paul Emile Lebel, AKA, Maxamilium Social Animal, (Social Media), dealing with the hard questions to answer, and going at the root of the problem on this planet we call earth. I have blogs/vlogs/post/videos/ in English/French and Spanish and not holding back any punches, and on the attack of the so-called (Zionist War-Pigs) running the planet, and destroying all on the way to tyranny...see also flat/Concave/Circular/Earth facts...the sun not millions of miles away in outer-space.. Hunger and famine, war.....there is a Dome (firmament) covering earth, it is light-blue in colour, and we are sealed here....etc... come and see what the fuss is about
Michel Paul Émile Lebel, Author, Maxamilium tm.
For educational purpose, and bound by the rights and laws (fair use) that apply. All Rights © Reserved maxamilium tm.