Flat Earth Theory, and the Polaris cunundrum!...
Flat Earth Theory, and the Polaris cunundrum! Words of Wisdom...maxamilium tm. Flat/Concave Earth Rocks, and soon to be reality! For more...
Is the universe Fake...
Is the universe Fake? Is all of space nothing but computer imiges/paintings, high quality works of art? I wonder, and then say yes they...
Qui nous sommes a l'intérieur de nous tous, ou autrement peut devenir?
Qui nous sommes a l'intérieur de nous tous, ou autrement peut devenir ? 'Où est-ce que votre éducation provient de ?' Les enseignants...
Who we are inside us all, or otherwise can become? School, and the wrong they do?
Who we are inside us all, or otherwise can become? Who are We? School, and the wrong they do? Where does your education comes from?...
Zionist and the NWO...
The Zionist and NWO! 'Everywhere the USA has footing, you will find them!' 'You can say what you or anyone else wants for that matter! It...
Television/Radio/Media and the NWO...
Television/Radio/Media and the NWO! 'People can say what they want!' It is the media and governments that controls what goes on the...
La Télévision/Radio/Media et le NWO...
La Télévision/Radio/Media et le NWO ? Les gens peuvent dire ce qu'ils veulent ! Ce sont les médias et les gouvernements qui contrôlent ce...
Stop The Killing! Stop War...
Another bunch of dumb-down children ready for the Slaughterhouse! Not only are they willing fools... But run at it in full might!? Your...
Go deeper into the rabbit hole...
Are you ready to go deeper down the rabbit hole? If so, lets go! Here is the real reason why they faked the moon landings! Wake up! Once...
Flat/Concave Earth Theory.... Picture depicting Flat Earth...
This is how or somehow Flat/Concave-Earth is perceived to be! A message to the young ones, or old alike! Child soldier: 'Another bunch of...